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In order to guarantee the efficient functioning of Al Nur, we have 25 members of staff who have a range of duties. Each Maktab class has a fixed Apa, and in Sanatayn and Alimah classes there is a timetable according to which the various lessons are taught, such as Quran, Hadith, Fiqh etc.

The breakdown of the 25 staff is as follows:

1 Head Apa (manages and  teaches)
1 Deputy Apa (curriculum development and pastoral care and also teach)
2 Admin Apas (attendance, finance, man reception etc.)
1 Early Years’ Assistant
1 Cover Apa
1 Arabic Teacher
3 Part-time Apas
10 Class Apas
5 Alimah Class Apas

Staff Development

Training programmes at Bcom
Education and Teaching Courses
Most courses are completed in the Apa’s own time
Performance & Development Review Forms

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