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Assessments and tests are an important part of learning and enable teachers to evaluate the level of learning achieved and progress made.  This in turn allows necessary adjustments to be made to the curriculum and methods of teaching.

At Al Nur we hold End of Term Assessments for the older learners in Maktab classes in the form of oral and written tests conducted by other Apas and their class Apa.  Younger learners are assessed by their their class Apa to avoid burdening them with the stress of exams as we feel they are not ready for such pressure.  We have alos experienced that under stressful exam conditions, younger learners tend to become anxious and do not perform to the best of their abilities.

Alimah and Sanatayn class exams are conducted regularly throughout the year on a modular basis.  We have concluded that this ensures all areas are tested thoroughly and is also less of a strain on the learners as they also have school, college and university exams throughout the year.  We try to avoid giving exams on the same day as school exams as much as possible. In addition to exams, we also test the progress of our learners in various ways such as competitions, progress checks involving quizzes etc.

The results of the exams conducted over a particular term are then then totalled and the average is calculated.  In Alimah and Sanatayn a learner must achieve a minimum C grade in order to move on to the next year.

At the end of Term 1 and Term 3 Parents’ Evenings are held where parents/carers of all learners receive a Results’ Report for their daughter which they can discuss with the Class/Form Apa.  At the end of Term 3 reports are sent home to parents/carers informing them of their daughter’s progress.

Apas constantly revise lessons and topics in class and learners are also given time in class to complete much of the work.  This makes it much easier for learners to balance school and Madrasah together.

At the end of the year a Rewards’ Assembly is held where each learner receives a gift and tose who have excelled in Achievement and Effort are awarded certificates and prizes.

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